Chatterjee |
EMH Persn'l Log:-Stardate:51223.7 |
Ship's Log: XO Stardate 50992.4.. The construction of the USS Constellation continues at a good clip..thank goodness the end is in sight. We started filling the data banks today and I've heard that my quarters will soon be ready for habitation.
The captain is still occupied with breaking the alien code that was discovered when the ship's monitors began displaying sundry distortions both visual and audio. The code had been entered into a segment of the shipyard nanobots by a mercenary saboteur. Although he/she has been captured, it is yet to be determined who did the hiring...end log. Captain's Log: 50992.9.. During the last two weeks a "code virus" was discovered in the computer's data processing section. The method of enaction was very similar to one developed by Dr. R.J. Vquplilus. His Lab had been broken into and the documentation for his code was removed. On completion of an investigation into the Staff working onboard our ship, it was discovered that an Electonics Engineer named EE4 U.Y. Lombasted had been employed by Dr.Vquplilus at the time of its removal. He had left that position two days later to join the construction crew. After the interrogation of Lombasted, it came to light that the Cardasian's had paid Lombasted 5 bars of Latinum to sabotage the ship and to cripple the code capabilities of the Federation. Update Captain's Log complete. Ship's Log: XO Stardate 50993.3 LTCD Chatterjee our new Chief Engineer got the main engineering section on line today. That's a relief...He is very efficient and knows his stuff...we were fortunate that SEO loocnu ran into him at Quarks and convinced Mr Chatterjee to apply for transfer to our ship...andfortunate that Starfleet agreed!! His conference with the captain went well also...good beginnings this. The captain is investigating a new technology that might inprove our data transfer speed..not a bad idea. Doc Jadzia is moving right along with getting sickbay ready for use and has also begun work on her office...thanks to her organizational skills, she now has cleared space for quick access to the emergency med gear as well. ..We must soon begin the recruiting process for a full ship's complement..we need to spread the work out a bit..a well rested crew is a happy crew I say..! End log Stardate 50993.5 Chief Engineer's Personal Log-Entry 1 Today main engineering is completely finished. The warp core is ready to be loaded with dilithium and damage control is online, though I doubt we'll need it anytime soon. Now I need some crew to help me man engineering. Today I contacted my good friend paladin749 via hololink to tell him of our good ship, and to ask him if he would like to join. This is a good day for the u.s.s. contellation...End log. Stardate 50994.4 1st Officer's Log: Stardate 50994.4 Worry and concern strike once again ...the ship's computers have been unable to locate the Captain Transzed anywhere onboard...he was unexplainedly absent from the weekly staff meeting Sunday and has not responded to hails on either sub-space channels or direct com links... All ships in the fleet have been sent his bio-trace signature and instructed to keep beacon signals on steady sweep...our first mission may be one of rescuing our captain if this keeps up!..end log. Security Chief's Log-Stardate: 50994.6-9 Entry 1....After a period of work I am starting to finally piece together the work I have done on creating an L-cars interface(page) for my office. It has been quite...interesting.-----looc. Stardate: 50994.9 Entry: 2....After working for 3 hours I am almost done with the l-cars version that I am creating. I need to upload the files and then enter them into the system----looc...end log 1st Officer's Log Stardate: 50994.7 A sigh of relief..We have heard from the Captain and he is hale and well. According to the Captain, before his departure he sent the message that he'd been called to Starfleet Headquarters. Unfortunately, the message was intercepted and diverted back into sub-space so we never received it.. It appears that not all the saboteurs have been captured...they will do anything to delay our departure and throw the crew off pace. Have they got a supprise in store! We have the best and most well trained crew in the fleet. This kind of meddling will not and has not succeeded...end 1st Officers Log Captain's Log Stardate: 50994.8 Captain's Log: Entry-2. Captain Transzed: I have been away on duty to Earth and Starfleet HQ. I reported the progress of the ship and crew to Starfleet Command. They were very interested in how the ships construction and schedule was comming along. I returned as of yesterday and reported to the Commodore aboard the Roddenberry and have brought along with me the sealed orders for the ship's up comming maiden voyage and shake down cruise. These orders will be posted in accordance with Starfleet HQ instructions the third week of this month. I am happy to see we have new crew members being assigned and all the work that the present crew has accomplish while I was on Earth. Keep up the good work and I will be talking with you all shortly. Captain Transzed Signing Off.....end log. Stardate 50995.6 C MED O's Log...Progress Report. I am still in the process of getting everything set-up and running properly in all the medical areas. The rest of my supplies arrived yesterday and I have placed them into their proper places. I am now starting on the diagnostic tests on all the electronic equipment in hopes of getting all the bugs worked out before we leave dock. I have sent a message to fleet personnel office for some assistants but so far I have not had any replies back from them. Until I do, i will continue to work at least 16 hours a day and longer to get things ready. ...end medical log... Stardate 50995.5 Person'l Log XO..I am restless tonight...anxious to be out of dock and into space. I thought I'd take a look at the new lab that is supposed to do "everything" we may need to do while in deep space. It is truely a magnificent, sleek and beautiful piece of technology. Since I do enjoy a bit of tinkering now and then and since the Doc has been trying to find a new means of mending lung traumas, I decided to see if the lab works as well as it's looks portend. ...I flipped on the sub-particule generator ( it works) and the lab's super scientific computing system which it supposed to aid in the design and programing of new technologies as well as a multitude of other things of which we have yet to be briefed on...and probably only the Science Officer (when one is assigned...sigh!)will understand. ...After messing around with muons and meson particles for a while I figured that if they were contained and released in configurations specific to the desired negative lung pressures, a device might be created that would that would serve the Doc's purposes. ...Have come up with a working model to give the Doc for testing...computer is as advertised so far. Good thing it is not intergrated into the main computing system yet! Should work....end log Stardate: 50995.9 Person'l Log AEO LT. Kyle Knech reporting.... I have finally reached the Constellation! There wasn't much time for goodbyes as the U.S.S. Hermes dropped me off at Starbase Roddenberry yesterday. It was a pity, I didn't even get to say bye to lysandra. And, we were just getting to know each other....well, it's a big galaxy. Anyway, I was assigned my temporary quarters on the Roddenberry until I can get my things over to the Constellation. After waking up this morning, I finally got to get on the Constellation. Although I did have a very brief post on the Enterprise-E, I can say its nothing compared to this wonderful ship! But I was blown away by Main Engineering!! Bradford..sorry, lt cmdr. Chatterjee has done an excellent job down here! I would also like to see this super labortory I keep hearing about. Although I haven't met any of my fellow crew members in person yet, I have had the pleasure of talking to Captain Tranzed and First Officer aqui2 through comm frequencies, and I met Chief Engineer Chatterjee and Doctor Jadzia too!. I am looking forward to seeing my fellow crew members at tomorrows meeting, and the adventures I will be having on this grand ship. lt. kyle knecht out....end log Stardate: 50995.9 CEO's Log.... Today my second-in-charge of engineering, LT Kyle Knecht, has transfered from the USS Hermes, a fitting name, considering it brought us a message, and gift, from the gods. LT Knecht has an experienced backround with such living legends as the great Lt Cmdr. Geordi Laforge on the Enterprise-E. This however brief assignment makes me certain he will make a fine addition to our crew.....end log Stardate: 50996.3 CCommO Lacarno **begin log** I now understand the duties of my position and didn't realize the amount of responsibility. I will try my best to do my duties and please my fellow officers....**end log** Stardate: 50996.5 Captain's log update: The meeting held this week went very well and a number of the senior staff were in attendance. I was required to send a message to a new crew member ordering him to report for duty however. Failure to do so will result in his removal from the crew. Fleet Admiral Picard will be retiring in a couple of weeks and it appears that Admiral Cisco will take the position of Fleet Admiral. This is a good thing as he is familiar with the Cardasian's and Dominion. Reports from Starfleet indicate that they are stepping up their preparedness for the invasion of Klingon, Romulan, and Federation space. Further to the virus... It has been cleared up with very little damage to systems. Fortunately, we were not operational and thus did not pass the virus amongst the rest of the fleet. I am at liberty to inform you that Vice Admiral Riker will be conducting our combat phase of the shake down cruise. There are more developements in this area which will be posted in the orders for the exercise... captain out...end log Stardate: 50996.9 C Counselor Dax: Personal Log.... I just woke up and it's still the middle of the night. I have had a dream or a series of dreams. A most unusual thing. I think I am experiencing out of body telepathic travel and I think I have visited several minds aboard this ship as well as at Starfleet HQ. I have seen many love and hate scenes, there is harmony and there is anger, there are things I don't understand. I have been able to dismiss most as an unconcious effort on my part to telepathically link with crew members while I sleep. I wonder if my symbiant has anything to do with this? My most disturbing sleep link involves the Captain. In light of his mysterious disappearance to Earth, something, and I don't know what, is strange. Maybe its the code virus. Maybe its the fact that we still don't know everything about the virus and I strongly feel that we don't. This new log of his seems to be missing something. It comes to me as "the tip of an iceberg". I do not believe the Captain is telling us everything he knows. Maybe this is normal for by virtue he is the Captain and officers can not always divulge top orders. Maybe it is not normal. I am inclined to want a medical physical inclusive of a brain scan done on all senior staff prior to departure on our first mission. I will make this recommendation to the Doctor. Vice Admiral Riker is another mystery to me. Something about him and Admiral Cisco, I don't know what or how to say it. Something keeps changing with these officers. Thats all I can tell. And Picard! He is ever present in my thoughts. Why? I see the Marquis. I see the Dominion. I see the Borge. I don't understand. Maybe I am just exhausted. I know I visited the mind of our XO and I detected that she too is concerned and anxious. She is working hard to see to it that the ship is ready to go. All senior staff are very busy right now and none seem to be sleeping well. An understanding of the XO's experiment involving muons and meson particles has come to me. Yes! It works like the ancient "Iron Lungs" from the early 1900's on Earth, which were used to treat Polio patients. Same principle, just no Iron Lung. If the Doctor uses the XO's muons and meson particles via holograph, they can theoretically create a weightless/invisable "Iron Lung". I know they are trying to devise a quicker way to solve collapsed and punctured lung traumas...hope it works. If anyone can fiddle with it and make it work , the Doctor can ..she just hasn't put all the pieces together yet. Will try to sleep now....Log out. Stardate: 50997.3 Captain's Log.. I have been summoned to a meeting aboard the Roddenberry with the VADMR Riker, the Commodore and Ambassador Spock. This meeting is intended to bring me up to speed as to the base plans the VADMR has set up for the exercise of our first excursions into space aboard the USS Constellation. I will be bringing the VIP's on a tour of the ship on Thursday at 11:00 hrs. *All senior staff will be present in 10 Forward for a luncheon to meet and be introduced to them [* simulated event attendence NOT actually required*] . Senior staff are also to allow any non essential officers of the rank of LT to also be in attendance. VADMR Riker has expressed a desire to address the entire crew in shuttle bay two at 15:00 hrs. It has also come to my attention that Ambassador Spock will be going with us on our first trip as a qualified observer and support member from Starfleet. He has expressed a desire to also be permitted to speak to crew members on completion of the first mission...end Captains log. Stardate 50997.5 Ship's Log Dr. Jadzia I have finally gotten everything in the medical area up and running. Had a couple of bugs in the diagnostic panels over the biobeds but finally got them straightened out. Had a talk with Chief Counselor Dax today and he told me of his concerns over the captain and his desire that i run a brain scan on all the senior staff prior to departure on our first mission. So I am now making plans to have all the senior staff sign up for complete physicals and a brain scan before we leave on our maidan voyage. Hopefully we can start the physicals tomorrow. I have been running on no sleep the last couple of days and I am going to have to get some rest soon or I will be seeing Counselor Dax on a professional level..(yawn)..but for right now, the sleep will have to wait while I get the infirmary set up for th e staff physicals....end medical log. Stardate: 50998.0 Ship's Log: Captain Transzed The last staff meeting proved to be most fruitful. The decision to maintain the current day and time of the weekly staff meeting was made. It was also decided as to the day and time which the simms were to be conducted (Sundays at 9pm ET). Again it was a pleasure to see so many of the senior staff present at the meeting and it does make the decision making process much easier and faster. The scenario narrative for the first simm is now posted on the Captain Transzed Site and has been sent to all present senior staff. It will be also sent to any additional senior staff which may join us between now and the start date. I have been advised by the C CommO that he is presently working on the newsletter for next week...end captian's log. |
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SB Roddenberry