Name: Jacob D Badluck
Nicknamed..Doc J
Sub-space Channel: captainbadluck@geocities.com
Terran age: N/A
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 135lbs
Species: Hologram: Human Appearance
Languages: English, Klingon, little French

Place of Birth: Created in Anchorage, Alaska, Earth.

Interests: Rollerblading in the holodecks, Skiing in the Aspen, Colorado program, Writing holonovels. My life pretty much revolves around the holo-filters. Can you guess why?

Education: Downloaded ALL of the starfleet database into infonet. I believe that makes me well educated.

Decorations: N/A

Background: Newly designed EMH to replace the coldhearted EMH of previous. Created by a Cardassian, and as most artists do, created the EMH in his own internal image.

Starfleet Character Developement:

Personality: Cheery, quickwitted, not very tempermantal, very difficult to make mad, and an all around nice guy.

Special Note: This EMH is being tested out on the Constellation for glitches or massive program flaws. Thus far, none have been detected

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