Name: Inez Jadu
Nicknamed: aqui2 shortened to "aqui"
Sub-space Channel: portnet@nemaine.com
Terran age: 53
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 167 lbs
Species: a mix of Vulcan, Betaziod and Human
Languages: Human (English and some French) Betazoid telepathy

Place of Birth: Spica Colony
Interests: Vulcan Ethics, Emergency Medicine, Betazoid Psychology, and Tai Chi

Education: BA Journalism at Terran University... AA Physical Sciences at Spica College of Sciences...Emergency Medical Doctorate -Mash Unit in the St John Colony War Zone.

Decorations: Silver Star..Bravery Under Fire
Background: Served on both Enterprise crews under Capts. Kirk and Picard as Emergency Medical Specialist. Was granted temporary battlefield commission to Commander...following the Nebular Wars attended the Vulcan University of Mental Disciplines per recommendation of Mr Spock...special leave granted to serve aboard Betazoid reconnaisance vessel Liberte'.

Personality: Problem solver..Strong sense of humor..love of travel.. calm in crisis... look beneath the surface.

Special Note: Tall..fair complextion..fine features of Terran mother, freckles ..Love of computers and hands on healing from Vulcan-Betazoid father. Mental and physical agility from formal training, genetics, and practice of Tai Chi. Usually considered good to have around. Helpful nature sometimes gets in the way of intellectual judgement.

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