Name: Marq Shaman
Nicknamed: Marq
Sub-space Channel: doitlee@juno.com
Martian age: 20 myrs
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180 lbs
Species: a mix of Trill, Betaziod and Human
Languages: Human (English and some Pig Latin) Betazoid telepathy
Place of Birth: Mars, Houston Colony
Interests: Emergency Medicine, Betazoid Psychology, Computers and Softball
Education: | S Health Care Professions at SWT State University, Earth... EMT-Paramedic Texas, Earth...Emergency Medical Doctorate -Martian Mash Unit in the Southern Hemisphere Neutral Zone. |
Decorations: Meritorious Service Award...Texas 1987, Earth Date
Background: | Being a Trill and thus having multiple lives, causes my background to be extensive. And, space being limited here, allows me to only provide the background of my last and current hosts.
Served with the symbiosis commission on the Trill homeworld with my last host until my symbiant mutated into twins. My last host was Jadzia Dax, who now maintains my twin symbiant. My current host is Doit Lee, aka Marq Shaman. Please see Jadzia's background for it is mine too.
Marq Shaman has served on the Patac Klingon Cruiser under Captian Mordeb as Emergency Medical Specialist and Telepath. Was granted temporary battlefield commission to Commander...following the deaths of Captian Mordeb and his XO having killed each other.
Klingon cruiser was returned to the Klingon Empire and Marq Shaman was transfered to Mars for work there. Recently finishing his tour on Mars, he has transfered to the USS Constellation as LtCmdr Dax, ship's Chief Counselor.
Following the Jonah virus attack on the Federation, he was granted battle field promotion to Commander and has been promoted to 1st Officer on the USS Constellation. |
Personality: Problem solver...Claims a strong sense of honor...love of travel.. calm in crisis...Does not share the Vulcan sence of ethics regarding telepathic communications.. He will get into your head, but for medical reasons only ( yeah)....look beneath the surface.
Special Note: Tall..fair complextion..fine features of Trill Father, Light Trill pattern from back of neck down ..Love of computers and hands on healing from Terran-Betazoid mother. Usually considered good to have around. Has good intellectual judgement. Do not play games of chance with this individual. It is suspected that he uses his telepathic abilities to improve his odds.

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