News Brief: Stardate: 51159.6
\( - - )/
|****| calling all journalists! |****|
=============== OFFICERS' MEETING RESULTS===================
New crew and returning crew met and got to know one
another and the ship a bit better. It was decided that all
that was missing was the next voyage and mission. No
sooner said than done! Transport to Mission Control at:
to view this Friday's mission. .
Meeting at 10pm ET in the Officers' Ready Room
Simm to follow on the Battle Bridge
================SHIPS PROGRESS REPORT===============
LtCmdrDax's fraternal twin, Cmdr Marq Shamon
was signed on and promoted to XO and Constellation's
1st Officer ( aka #1)
ENS Striker Greenough is now Ltjg Security/Medic
Turbolinks to Real Audio sound tracks for Voyager and
First Contact have been added to the Battle Bridge just
under the mission bridge ( java chat). You will need the
FREE player RealAudio 4.0 to play. The music makes
a for great simm background sound!
Universal/Worlds Time Zone Converter link has been added
to the main Constellation page in the center section dealing
with our schedule.
==================NEW CREW========================
B#-082-d -----Position/Rank: Chief Morale O.
Name: Bobby Dipper
Sub-space Channel: robd@tpgi.com.au
Terran age: 15 years
Height: 6'
Weight: 143lbs
Species: Terran
Languages: English some French
Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
Interests: Space, Stars, Aeronautics, Astorphysics, Space
Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
Education: Starfleet Academy year level 9
Decorations: Head review writer at a Movie Page -
Background: Italian descent, though still a true Aussie!
Personality: Easy-going, laid-back, casual, never really
likes getting involved with all the technical things though
would like to learn. Funny, friendly and good-looking.
Special Note: Has a fascination with faster-than-light-travel
and warp core operation.
Supplemlemtal: Hoping to be the best Morale Officer ever!
****************** *******************
B#-477-m -----Position/Rank: Sci Officer, Lt
Name: Michael Mahaffey
Nickname: Mike
Sub-space Channel: MICHAELMY@XTN.NET
Terran Age: 20 yrs
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145
Species: Human
Languages: Terran English
Place of Birth: Limestone TN Earth
Interests: Star Trek , Football, Computer Games,
Meeting New Beings
Education: Starfleet Academy
Decorations: None yet.
Background: Some Security and Engineering
Personality: Outgoing ... great sense of humor.
Special NoteHe once tried to auction off Data to a
Ferengi as a joke....... of course!
*********************** ********************
Still awaiting bio information from Chief Tac Officer
Sean Mc Greggor
===================TREK NEWS====================
Sci-Fi Channel presents 'Online Science Fiction Convention'
The Sci-Fi Channel presents the second annual 'Online
Science Fiction Convention' featuring sci-fi allstars in
online chats on 'The Dominion' (http://www.scifi.com.)
The event will take place Friday, October 31st from
1:00 PM ET through Sunday November 2nd, at 9:30
PM ET. Scheduled to appear are:
Leonard Nimoy(Nov. 1st, 10:00 PM ET) and
Michael and Denise Okuda(Nov. 1st, 5:00 PM ET.)
Also appearing at the event will bePaul Verhoeven,
Michael Straczynski, Douglas Adams and others.
===================THE LIST OF TENS===================
10. Tell her "Your ears canna stan the strain!"
9. Vulcan Neck Pinch
8. Have an Android made of her then when she starts
speaking tell her to "ShutUp!" (See, "I, Mudd" - TOS episode") 7. Wave Phaser in her face and tell her you will stun her with it. 6. Use transporter to split her into two seperate personalities.
Phaser Evil Girlfriend and keep Good Girlfriend.
(See, "The Enemy Within" - TOS episode)
5. Tell her your watching the episode where Picard gets naked
4. Ask if she wants to see the Picard Maneuver
3. Try, "Computer - End Program"
2. Tell her she's in violation of the Prime Directive and is
interfering with a lesser developed civilization.
1. Borg!!
====================TREK TRIVIA======================
Kes thwarted the telepathic abilities of what race?
Degree of difficulty: 3
Previous Question:
What records do the crew of the Enterprise-D
research for a cure to the intoxicating virus
spreading through the ship?
Ans: The Psi 2000 virus records from the
original Enterprise
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